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Interviewing Amelie Lucille

Isabella Soares-Sousa

Jan 29, 2024

Amelie Lucille is set to release her latest single this Friday! Isabella had the pleasure of diving into Amelie's creative and artistic process.

Introducing the exceptionally talented Amelie Lucille, a remarkable 15-year-old singer-songwriter, who is set to release her latest musical masterpiece, “See Me,” this Friday! Building on the success of her debut EP released early last year, Amelie's musical prowess has continued to captivate anyone who takes the time to listen, showcasing the depth of her talent.

Anticipation is high as I believe that her upcoming release may very well become one of the standout songs of the year! To get a better understanding of Amelie's world of creativity and artistry, I had the incredible opportunity to interview with her. Read what Amelie has to say as she shares her thoughts and insights into her musical journey and the inspiration behind her upcoming release!


Give us three words that best describe you!

Creative, emotional, and compassionate


When did you first start recording, writing, and/or even playing music?

When I was 7, my mom took me to my first concert, and it was Adele. I remember leaving the concert overwhelmed, thinking how amazing it would be to write my own music like her, and relate to people through it. Around that time, I started writing my own songs, some of which eventually made it into my first album that I recorded at 14.


What has been the best part of starting your music journey?

Music is my constant companion in my teenage years. It allows me to process the things I feel, and I then share them without feeling judged.


I see that last year, you released a track by the name Amélie Siller. Was there any reason for the change of artist name to Amelie Lucille?

My artist name, Amelie Lucille, is my first and middle name. Lucille is my beloved great-grandmother.


You released an EP last year! What was your favorite part of creating the EP?

I always imagined my songs in a certain way in my head. To be able to bring that imagination into reality is what it felt like to record my first album. It's an incredible feeling.


Which song from your EP is your favorite, and which songs were more difficult to come about?

You might think that my favorite song was “Mess,” but truly, it was “Disposable Cameras.” 

“His Song” was the most difficult because we went through so many rounds of adding and changing, only to release it completely stripped and acoustic. 


You are releasing your latest song “See me” on February 2nd. What was the writing/creative process like for the up-and-coming song?

“See me” was one of the first songs I've written that did not start on guitar or piano. I remember hearing the melody of the chorus in my head one night and running to record it. After that, I wrote the rest of the song and fell in love with how different it sounded from anything else I have.


Do you have any favorite moments from bringing the song to life?

I loved every second of writing this song, but I would have to say the first time I heard the strings live in the studio was such a surreal moment. I was fortunate enough to have friends who play in an orchestra, so I was able to hear my vision for strings on “See Me” come to life.


How do you aspire for your music to influence those who listen to it?

Wow, what an amazing question! I would say I always aspire for whatever I create to impact those who listen because I believe that the most power you have over someone is through their emotions. I write songs with that in mind. Making someone feel a certain way has the power to bring that emotion back every time they hear the song. So, that being my goal, I hope people will come back to the things that make them feel. 


What can fans look forward to seeing from you this year?

My "fans" :) What a crazy and humble concept.

As I am getting older, I hope I stay curious and keep experimenting. From that, I hope to keep releasing work that will keep my "fans" guessing.


As I eagerly await the release of "See Me," I am filled with excitement to witness the world's reaction to this undoubtedly extraordinary song. Stay tuned for my in-depth song review, where I'll explore the brilliance of Amelie's latest masterpiece.

A huge thank you to Amelie for generously sharing her time and allowing us an intimate glimpse into her world of creativity. It's been an absolute pleasure getting to know the talented artist behind the music. Here's to the success of "See Me" and the continued brilliance of Amelie Lucille's musical journey!

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